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La promenade des Arts

59300 Valenciennes
Phone. : 03 27 28 89 10
« Arts Promenade »

Valenciennes is a pioneering city in sustainable development and has launched a new Lighting Plan with Bouygues Energies & Services.

Ambitious and innovative, this Plan aims at the same time to improve the living environment, to promote the city and its major architectural heritage while reducing the energy consumption by more than 50%. A lighting plan wich associate the local ressources and talents. (Higher Institute of Design).
The Tour goes an axis East toWest of 1 kilometer long, marked by blue Blown glass lantern, work of the artist Olivier Juteau.
Statues come to life at night by being juxtaposed with the painting on the Tour of the bystander.

Itinerary of the tour visible between the place Carpeaux and the Beaux-Arts museum.

Available on the mobile app Valenciennes Tour (free download)




La promenade des Arts
Address :
59300 Valenciennes
Phone :
03 27 28 89 10
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