Nature Sites, Parks, Gardens
Le site du vignoble - VALENCIENNESThe Etang du Vignoble in Valenciennes In the early 20th century the Etang du Vignoble (the vineyard pool) was known as Le Vert Gazon, which takes its name from a hamlet located on the banks of the Scheldt. The use of the lake by ...
Le jardin des Floralies - VALENCIENNESThe scent of a brushed lavender at the bend of a path, the taste of a raspberry just picked, the sound of the wind in the leaves ... Our strongest garden memories go through sensory vectors. The garden of Floralies seems particularly ...
Parc de la Rhônelle - VALENCIENNESThe Rhônelle Park in Valenciennes Designed by the architect Henri Martinet, this English style park was completed in 1904. He made ample use of the river and changes in level to carve out a basin, create winding paths, and installed ...
Site naturel d'Amaury - HERGNIESThe Amaury pool site in Hergnies Situated in the districts of Hergnies and Vieux Condé, the Amaury site is comprised of approximately 160 hectares of natural terrain and 60 hectares of water features. The Amaury pool is a mining ...
Lac Chabaud Latour - CONDE SUR L'ESCAUTThe Chabaud Latour site in Condé-sur-l’Escaut It is difficult to feel anything but the utmost admiration for this superb renovation of what was a former disused mining site, a project which scooped the Arbre d’argent public ...
Quartiers de citadellesQUARTIERS DE CITADELLES Bienvenue place des Acacias. Devant vous des cartes postales, datées de la fin du XIXe ou du début du XXe siècle, illustrent le quartier des Acacias à sa fondation peu après le démantèlement ...
Parc Joliot Curie - FRESNES SUR ESCAUTThe Joliot Curie Park in Fresnes sur Escaut This garden is situated in the former estate of a castle which once belonged to Count Désandrouins. Fresnes park is laid out before an elegant little traditionally designed castle. This ...
Le jardin Jacques Chirac, parc des Prix de Rome ...