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Bibliothèque et église St Nicolas - VALENCIENNES

rue Ferrand
59300 Valenciennes
  • Bibliothèque et église St Nicolas - VALENCIENNES 1 - Valenciennes
  • Bibliothèque et église St Nicolas - VALENCIENNES 1 - Valenciennes
L’ancienne bibliothèque et chapelle des jésuites à Valenciennes (XVIII°s.)
Ce grand volume abrite aujourd’hui la bibliothèque médiathèque municipale et renferme l’une des plus belles collections de manuscrits anciens de la région en provenance des abbayes. Parmi ses richesses figure la « Cantilène de sainte Eulalie », le plus ancien texte connu en langue française, rédigé vers 882.
The former Jesuits’ chapel and library in Valenciennes (XVIII.)
This large building is today home to the municipal media library and includes one of the finest collections of ancient manuscripts in the region, which came here from the abbeys. Among these works we find the Cantilène de sainte Eulalie the oldest known text in the French language written around 882. The main facade featuring Louis XIII style windows on two floors, and oculi decorated with Louis XVI garlands demonstrates the influence of French ornamentation on the local architects but also illustrates the use of brick edged with white stone, of slate roofs and of stepped gables. On the ground floor we find the former parlour while the upper floor houses the Jesuits room, a former library restored to its initial condition. The most comprehensive example of 13th century French painted decor can be admired here today.
  • Français
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